Software for Windows XP-10, LinuxThe software on this page is for Windows 7, 8 & 10. Some software application programs even work with Linux, MacOS, XP and earlier. Free and open-source software links on this page. Some smaller software applications are downloadable from this page. I built this web page for myself when I buy new computers and update them. You are welcome to use this page too. To get the latest versions of these apps, this software can also be installed using Win Utilities by Chris Titus. See OS Optimizers, below.
See this page too for disabling Application Services and Windows 10 Services. This page was updated: November 2024. Here is some software I use ... MS Essentials 32-bit download link to update virus definitions. Just download it, then double-click to install it. The app installs it but does not say it is finished. Note: sometimes it does not work at all, I don't know what the glitch is. For Windows 7 & 8. Ah ha, I found a cure, you must use Regedit and change the download link to this ... BRB.
.NET Framework Updates download link to .NET Framework versions 1.0 through 8.0. This software can also be installed using Win Utilities by Chris Titus. See OS Optimizers, below.
Visual C++ Redistributable versions from 2005-2022 from Microsoft. This software can also be installed using Win Utilities by Chris Titus. See OS Optimizers, below.
File Converter is a great file converter utility and fast too. In the options area, under Application, just change the program to exit when done converting. I put this on top since it is a very valuable tool. Download version v2.0.2-x64 or go to their web site for a 32-bit version. Brave is the best internet browser for browsing unknown web pages safely, blocking third-party cookies and popups.
Firefox is the internet browser I use when editing web pages and is customizeable to fit your needs.
Virtual Machines DOSBox, runs older DOS programs and games.
VirtualBox, runs multiple operating systems, like Windows, MacOS and Linux. So you can run your old software programs and games. For some reason, 3D accelerator and network does not seem to work. VMWare Pro is another alternative but is not free.
Image Browsers, Editors & Multimedia GIMP is like Photoshop and may be better, it is also free and works with Windows and MacOS.
Gif Viewer is great for viewing animated gifs, start, stop, pause feature. This is a download link, file size: 134K. This is 64-bit only, I believe. It does not work on my 32-bit computer.
Image Glass is a photo viewer, editor, slide shows and opens many files, such as, (gif, jpg, png, psd, etc.). I like the easy zoom with the mouse wheel and escape to exit. This is 64-bit only, I believe. It does not work on my 32-bit computer.
Inkscape is a free and open-source vector graphics editor for traditional Unix-compatible systems such as GNU/Linux, BSD derivatives and Illumos, as well as Windows and macOS.
Media Player Classic is a great alternative from Windows Media Player. File size is 12MB.
Screen to Gif is great for creating your own animated gifs. Records anything on the computer screen.
Text & Spreadsheet Editors Libre Office is better than MS Office, I think so.
Notepad ++ is great if you write computer code and is alot better than Notepad with lots of features. I use it for HTML, CSS, JavaScript and making/saving my own bookmarks pages. A great alternative is BBEdit if you are on an Apple computer.
Web Expression v4 is a good HTML editor.
File Folder Search Ultra File Search searches files faster than Windows search and without the need for indexing. A portable or installer version is available. Turning off Windows Search provides less disk activity and longer hard drive life. You can still search normally in Windows even if you turn off windows search and indexing.
Drivers & Utilities Glary Utilities is great for fixing problems with your computer, like the registry, clean disk space, erasing spy tracks, cookies and more. There is a free version and a pro version. Wondering why your PC is running slower than when you bought it? Did you know, when I go on Facebook for 5 minutes, my PC collects over 200 cookies and most are trackers which slow down the machine. I use this program approximately once a month to clean up the PC.
Snappy Driver Installer Origin (SDIO)Scans your PC, then gives you the choice of which ones to install and compare them. Some of my PC's are old and cannot get drivers for them any more, works great. This is a download link, file size is 6.16 MB. Here is there web page.
More Drivers for Windows If you cannot find the drivers you need from SDIO above, you can go here and search at archive.org. This is where I recently found the software for my RealTek WiFi USB chip. Realtek's web site was just a pain in the A.
7-Zip for Windows Compress and uncompress files quickly.
OS Optimizers & Bloatware Removers I use all 3 of these programs. Each program has similar and different features. O&O Shutup 10 is a free anti-spy utility to shutup Windows 10 with all its spyware and bloatware, works great. O&O ShutUp10++ is entirely free and does not have to be installed (a portable app). It also explains each step/setting you can disable.
Optimizer v15.7 is a portable app with a drive cleaner, system tweaks, startup manager, HOST editor, Apps downloader, GOD mode is great (available when you activate, Ready Menus), it does have an apps installer similar to the Win Utility tool and more. This is a download link, file size is 2.2 MB.
Ultimate Windows 10 Utility is like Optimizer and OOshutup10 but with different features. I use all three to slim down the spyware, elimates those annoying advertisements, they all work great. Created by Chris Titus, you can see his documentation on his web site from the link above. You can also use this tool now by ...
OBS Studio is a great video recorder.
You can disable these services (definitions added). Or if you are not sure you can set them to manual.