1962-86 Honda CT Series Decals
All the decals we have available for the HONDA CT90, CT70, C105, CT110, CT200 & CT250.
See our Decals page for
more decals and an ETA to your door.
1962-1965 Honda C105T Gas Tank Decal Set HC105-00-055
Printed on a simulated metal material. This
decal is NOT metal.
1964-66 CT200 / CT90 Gas Tank Decals HCT29-00-090
$69.99 pair
Printed on a simulated metal material. This
decal is NOT metal.
1966-68 Honda CT90 Gas Tank Decals HCT-00-090
$69.99 pair
Printed on a simulated metal material. This
decal is NOT metal.
1969 Honda K1 Trail 90 Crossbar / Side Panel Decal Set HCT-69-090-CS
Printed on a simulated metal material. This decal is NOT
1969-71 Honda CT70 K0 Frame Crossbar Decals HCT7-6971-001
Paint colors:
- Candy Ruby Red
- Candy Gold
- Candy Sapphire Blue
1969-71 Honda CT70 K0 CT70 K0 Side Decals HCT7-6971-002
Printed decals on a metal-like material. NOT ALUMINUM
Warning/Info Decal Sets
1969-71 Honda CT70 K0 6pc Warning / Small Decal Set HCT-00-070-WS
1 Important Information
1 Caution: Battery
1 Helmet Holder
1 Caution: Air Filter
1 Preserve Nature B/W
1 Operator Only B/W
1970-73 Honda CT Decals
1970 Trail 90 K2 Crossbar Decal Set HCT-70-090-1
Printed on a simulated metal material. This decal is NOT metal.
1971 Honda CT90 Frame Crossbar / Air Filter Cover Decal Set HCT-71-090-CS
1971 Honda CT90 Frame Cover HCT-71-090-1
$69.99 pair
1971 Honda CT90 Air Filter Cover Decal HCT-71-090-2
1971 Honda CT90 Altitude Warning Decal HCT-71-003
$24.99 May apply to other models
1972 Honda CT70 K1 Frame Crossbar Decals HCT7-72-001
Paint colors:
- Candy Ruby Red
- Candy Yellow
1972 Honda CT70 K1 Side Decal Set HCT7-72-002
Printed decals on a metal-like material. NOT ALUMINUM
1972 Honda CT70 6 Piece Warning / Small Decal Set HCT-00-070-WS
1 Important Information
1 Caution: Battery
1 Helmet Holder
1 Caution: Air Filter
1 Preserve Nature B/W
1 Operator Only B/W
1972 Honda CT70H K1 Frame Crossbar Decal Set HCT7H-72-001
Paint colors:
- Candy Ruby Red
- Candy Yellow Special
1972 Honda CT70H K1 Side Decal Set HCT7H-72-002
Printed decals on a metal-like material. NOT ALUMINUM
1972 Honda CT70H K1 Frame Crossbar Decal Set HCT7H-72-001
1972 Honda CT70H K1 Side Decal Set HCT7H-72-002
Printed decals on a metal-like material. NOT ALUMINUM
1972 Honda CT70 Warning / Small Decal Set HCT-00-070-WS
1 Important Information
1 Caution: Battery
1 Helmet Holder
1 Caution: Air Filter
1 Preserve Nature B/W
1 Operator Only B/W
1972-73 Trail 90 K4 Air Filter Cover Decal HCT-723-090
- located on Air Filter Cover -
1974 HONDA CT90 K5 Gas Tank Decal HCT-74-090A
- located on frame gas tank -
1973 / Various Models
Honda CT90 Posi-Torque Decal (Black on clear) HCT9-78-002W
(Black on clear)
Honda CT90 Altitude Warning Decal (Black on clear) HCT-71-003
(Black on clear)
Honda CT ST and Dax models Before Transporting HDAX7-76-002A
White on clear
Honda CT90, CT110 No Passenger HON-00-006A
used on various single seat models, white on clear
Honda CT ST and Dax models Before Transporting HDAX7-76-002B
Black on clear
Honda CT90, CT110 No Passenger HON-00-006B
Black on clear, (used on various single seat models)
1978 Honda CT90 Tire Info HCT9-78-003W
Honda CT110 Tire Info HCL1-00-001T
1974 Honda CT Decals
1974 Honda CT70 K3 Frame Crossbar Decals HCT7-74-001
$69.99 pair
Paint colors:
- Candy Topaz Orange
- Candy Riviera Blue
HCT7-74-002 1974 Honda CT70 K3 Side Decals
$69.99 pair
Printed decals on a metal-like material. NOT ALUMINUM.
1974 Honda CT70 6 Piece Warning/Small Decal Set HCT-00-070-WS
1 Important Information
1 Caution: Battery
1 Helmet Holder
1 Caution: Air Filter
1 Preserve Nature B/W
1 Operator Only B/W
1974 HONDA CT90 K5 3pc Decal Set HCT-74-090-2
Frame & Air box decals
1974 HONDA CT90 K5 Frame/Airbox Decals HCT-74-090-1
Printed on simulated brushed aluminum. The original was made
from thin aluminum. This is a decal and NOT made of metal.
1974 HONDA CT90 K5 Air Box Decal HCT-74-090
1974 HONDA CT90 K5 Gas Tank Decal HCT-74-090A
1975 Honda CT90 Decals
1975 HONDA CT90 K6 Frame Cover Decal Set HCT-76-090-1
1975 HONDA CT90 K6 Air Box Cover Decal HCT-75-090-2
1975 HONDA CT90 K6 Tire Pressure Decal HCT9-78-003W
1975 HONDA CT90 K6 Posi-Torque Decal HCT9-78-002W
1975 HONDA CT90 K6 Preserve Nature Decal HON-00-004A
1975 HONDA CT90 K6 No Passenger Decal HON-00-006B
1975 HONDA CT90 K6 Altitude Warning Decal HCT-71-003
1974 HONDA CT90 K5 Gas Tank Decal HCT-74-090A
1976 Honda CT Decals
1976 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 Frame Cover Decal Set HCT-76-090-1
1976 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 Air Box Cover Decal HCT-76-090-2
1976 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 Tire Pressure Decal HCT9-78-003W
1976 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 Posi-Torque Decal HCT9-78-002W
1976 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 Preserve Nature Decal HON-00-004A
1976 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 No Passenger Decal HON-00-006B
1976 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 Altitude Warning Decal HCT-71-003
1976 HONDA CT90 K5 Gas Tank Decal HCT-74-090A
1977-80 Honda CT Model Decals
1977 HONDA CT70 Trail 70 Frame Crossbar Decal Set HCT7-77-001
1977 HONDA CT70 Trail 70 Side Decal Set HCT7-77-002
1977 HONDA CT70 Trail 70 Warning Decal Set HCT-00-070-WS
1 Important Information
1 Caution: Battery
1 Helmet Holder
1 Caution: Air Filter
1 Preserve Nature B/W
1 Operator Onlly B/W
1977 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 Frame Cover Decal Set HCT-77-090-1
1977 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 Air Box Cover Decal HCT-77-090-2
1977 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 Tire Pressure Decal HCT9-78-003W
1976 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 Posi-Torque Decal HCT9-78-002W
1977 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 Preserve Nature Decal HON-00-004A
1977 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 No Passenger Decal HON-00-006B
1977 HONDA CT90 Trail 90 Altitude Warning Decal HCT-71-003
1977 HONDA CT90 K5 Gas Tank Decal HCT-74-090A
1978 Honda CT70
1978 HONDA CT70 Mini-Trail 70 Frame Crossbar Decal Set HCT7-78-001
1978 HONDA CT70 Mini-Trail 70 Side Decal Set HCT7-78-002
1978 HONDA CT70 Mini-Trail 70 Warning Decal Set HCT-00-070-WS
1 Important Information
1 Caution: Battery
1 Helmet Holder
1 Caution: Air Filter
1 Preserve Nature B/W
1 Operator Only B/W
1978 Honda CT90
1978 Honda CT90 Frame Cover and Airbox Cover Decal Set HCT-78-090
Paint color: Bright Yellow
1978 Honda CT90 Airbox Cover Decal HCT9-78-004
1978 Honda CT90 Tire Pressure Decal HCT9-78-003W
Black on silver
1978 Honda CT90 Posi-Torque Decal HCT9-78-002W
May apply to others
1978 Honda CT90 No Passenger Decal HON-00-006B
Also used on other models
1978 Honda CT90 Preserve Nature Decal HON-00-004A
Also used on other models
1978 Honda CT90 Gasoline Danger Decal HCT-74-090A
-located on frame gas tank-
Printed on a clear backing
1979 Honda CT70
1979 Honda CT70 2pc Frame Crossbar Decals HCT7-79-001
Paint color: Bright Yellow
1979 Honda CT70 Side Decals HCT7-78-002
1979 Honda CT70 Complete Warning Decal Set HCT-00-070-WS
1 Important Information
1 Caution: Battery
1 Helmet Holder
1 Caution: Air Filter
1 Preserve Nature B/W
1 Operator Only B/W
1980 Honda CT70 Mini-Trail Frame Crossbar Decal Set HCT7-80-001
1980 Honda CT70 Mini-Trail Side Decal Set HCT7-80-002
1980 Honda CT70 Mini-Trail Warning Decal Set HCT-80-070-WS
1980 Honda CT110 Frame Cover Decal Set HCT-80-110-1
1980 Honda CT110 Side Cover and Air Box Cover Decal Set HCT-80-110-2
1980 Honda CT110 Tire Pressure Decal HCT11-00-002
1980 Honda CT110 Posi-Torque Decal HCT9-78-002W
1980 Honda CT110 Preserve Nature Decal HCT11-00-001
1980 Honda CT110 No Passenger Decal HON-00-006B
1980 Honda CT110 Gasoline Danger Decal HCT-74-090A
-located on frame gas tank-
Printed on a clear backing
1981 Honda CT Model Decals
1981 Honda CT70 Passport
Go here for these decals
1981 Honda CT250S SilkRoad Side Cover Decals HSR-00-001
Gas Tank decals not available.
1981 Honda CT110
1981 CT110 Complete 8pc Decal Set HCT-81-110-CS
- R & L Frame cover
- Side Cover
- Air Box Cover
- Posi-Torque Decal
- No Passenger Decal
- Preserve Nature
- Tire Decal
1981 CT110 Frame Cover Decal Set HCT9-81-110-1
$69.99 set
1981 CT110 Side Cover/Air Box Cover Decal Set HCT9-81-110-2
1982 Honda CT110 Decals
1982 CT110 Frame Cover Decal Set HCT11-82-001
1982 CT110 Side Cover and Air Box Cover Decal Set HCT11-82-002
1982 HONDA CT110 Tire Pressure Decal HCT11-00-002
1982 HONDA CT110 Posi-Torque Decal HCT9-78-002W
1982 HONDA CT110 Preserve Nature Decal HCT11-00-001
1982 HONDA CT110 No Passenger Decal HON-00-006B
1982 Honda CT110 Gasoline DANGER Decal HCT-74-090A
(located on frame gas tank)
Printed on a clear backing.
1983 Honda CT Model Decals
1983 Honda CT70 Frame Crossbar Decal Set HCT7-83-001
1983 Honda CT70 Warning Decal Set HCT-00-070-WS
1983 Honda CT110
1983 CT110 Complete 8pc Decal Set HCT11-83-003CS
- R & L Frame cover
- Side Cover
- Air Box Cover
- Posi-Torque Decal
- No Passenger Decal
- Preserve Nature
- Tire Decal
1982 Honda CT110 Gasoline DANGER Decal HCT-74-090A
(located on frame gas tank)
>Printed on a clear backing.
NOT included in complete set HCT11-82-003CS
1984-86 Honda CT Decals
1984 Honda CT110
1985 Honda CT110
1986 Honda CT110
1984-86 Honda CT110 Body Decal Set HCT11-86-003CS
- R & L Frame cover
- Side Cover
- Air Box Cover
- Posi-Torque Decal
- No Passenger Decal
- Preserve Nature
- Tire Decal
1984 Honda CT110 Decal (located on frame gas tank) HCT-74-090A
Printed on a clear backing (located on frame gas tank).
NOT included in 8 piece set HCT11-82-003CS
1985 Honda CT70
1985 Honda CT70 Mini Trail Battery Caution decal HCT7-00-001W
1985 Honda CT70 Mini Trail Tire Info decal HCT7-00-002W